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You have one of the following options for your presentation:*

1. VOCATION TALK on your firm’s products and services.

2. VISITATION at your place of business.

3. OUTSIDE SPEAKER sponsored by your company.

Please remember that all remarks and/or displays must be strictly limited to your membership classification. If you provide a service or product that overlaps with another member, you may not promote it in any way. As program host, you are responsible for providing a Speaker Gift for the meeting, which is usually a product or service that exemplifies your business.

  1. One week before your program you will be asked to act as the “hat runner” the week before your program date. This will give you an opportunity to promote your upcoming program.
  2. Make sure the Executive Director knows the subject of your program so that it can be published in the weekly Meeting Bulletin.
  3. Contact your sponsoring member and ask them to introduce you at the meeting.
  4. Determine what Speaker Gift you will provide. You can also request a gift certificate from the Executive Director and billed to you.


Advance Planning:

  1. Outline major points to be covered so that your message is delivered within the 20- minute time allotted to you.
  2. Try and save at least 5 minutes for Q&A.
  3. Consult with the Executive Director and/or Program Chair for they may have valuable ideas or suggestions that could aid in making your program more effective.
  4. A/V equipment, screens and projectors are available.

The Speaker’s Topic:

Tell how well equipped it is to render service and distribution of your products. Historical data, if included, should be limited to brief statements.

Products and Services:

Use displays and distribute literature. Make a point of asking members to take your literature with them and pass it along to prospective new customers. 

Marketing Area:

  • Cite specific areas served ( i.e. local, west coast, national)
  • Give specific examples of jobs and projects which have brought your company prestige.
  • Mention any discounts and special services available for Execs members.
  • Suggest what Execs members can do to help your business.
  • Describe the types of leads needed. Cite a specific instance of a lead received that brought the desired results.
  • Suggest circumstances under which members could recommend your company.
  • If you believe a member firm could help you get a new account, ask for their assistance.
  • Provide names of key people in your firm to substitute in your absence from the office.


Visitations can be an excellent means to let the membership see what you do, and how you do it. It sparks interest differently from a program. It may also provide greater variety to the membership. When your company changes locations, it is an excellent vehicle to get members to see for themselves.

Usually visitations are a substitute for a regular Thursday meeting, but they are not necessarily held at lunchtime if it is inconvenient for the Visitation Host.

The Visitation Host coordinates with the caterer regarding the type of food served, and any additional setup needs. The Association will cover the cost of catering. The Host pays for any of their company staff who will be at the event.


Members may elect to sponsor an outside speaker of mutual interest to the group, with the approval of the Program Chair or the Executive Director.

  1. Topics of mutual interest are encouraged, as long as there is no conflict with another member’s classification. Non-business related topics are acceptable if approved.
  2. The sponsoring member contacts the outside speaker and establishes date availability. The sponsor then coordinates the program dates with the Executive Director or Program Chair.
  3. If the speaker desires some background information on the Association, the Executive Director should be asked to provide it.

Note: If your presentation is to include visuals (i.e., slideshow or video) and you need equipment, please notify our Executive Director. Available:

  • Internet access (wifi)
  • An AV cart with power plug
  • LCD Projector
  • Projector Screen

Speaker Coordination is the primary responsibility of the sponsor; however, the Executive Director will provide assistance.
* The above information will be adjusted to accommodate our current Covid hybrid period of operation.

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