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The mission of the Executives Association of San Francisco  (EASF) is to maintain an organization of leading business entities and professions doing business in San Francisco, each represented by one of its executives for the mutual benefit of all. We achieve our mission through the exchange of information among our member firms for the purpose of increasing business resources and growth opportunities. We are also a community. To achieve our mission, we work to support professionals with expertise in a variety of industries, who each come from diverse backgrounds and hold diverse political views. Our collective wisdom helps business owners/entrepreneurs increase their business skills and take their company to the next level. 

EASF is nonpartisan and is not aligned with any political party. EASF shall not support or oppose any political party or candidate.

EASF strives for diverse membership, understanding our members hold a diverse set of political and public policy beliefs and preferences. All members are encouraged to be actively involved in supporting candidates of their own choice and on business issues that impact their industries outside of EASF meetings and events. 

EASF members, Board members, volunteers, and vendors/employees are expected to maintain a non-partisanship status while acting as official representatives of EASF or when prominently identifying as members of EASF. 

EASF meetings and events are not the right venue for divisive political discussions. Members may have well-established political views, yet in EASF, the focus should be on the mission of relationships and referrals.

EASF may seek reliable information on political developments on business issues through balanced programs and discussions so that members can reach their own conclusions. EASF will not host candidates running in contested races as speakers. An elected official or policymaker may be invited to speak, only for the purpose to inform our membership about particular issues impacting the business community. Any such speaker must be invited by the Program Committee and approved by the Board. 

Members may bring political candidates or elected officials to attend meetings or social gatherings as their personal guest, however it is essential to maintain our neutrality. Any such guest (not invited by the Program Committee) will not be offered time at the podium.

Speakers, members and guests are prohibited from distributing political literature, asking for signatures on a petition, asking for votes, and soliciting contributions during EASF meetings and events.

Questions about specific situations may be presented by any member to the EASF Board where the foregoing policies do not resolve the questions.

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