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Prospective Members
Because membership is limited to one member in each business classification, a member is not one of many, but holds exclusive rights to his or her line of business. This policy is the key to the success of all Executive Associations. Membership is open to qualified companies in all types of businesses, large and small. Each firm is represented by its owner, CEO, or other executive.

Palio Restaurant

EASF meets each Thursday. On the first and third Thursday of the month we meet in person for a luncheon in San Francisco at Palio Restaurant (640 Sacramento Street) or at the Marines’ Memorial Club (Sutter Street and Mason Street ). On the second and fourth Thursday of the month we will continue our meetings on Zoom. The first 30 minutes of the meeting are open for individual business discussions and general mingling. Our weekly meetings allow us to develop friendships and to learn more about one another’s business. We discuss business opportunities, exchange leads, and enjoy a 35-minute presentation by one of our members about his or her business. The meetings begin at 12:00 pm and end promptly at 1:30 pm.

Marines’ Memorial Club

Active Members are expected to attend the weekly meetings, not only for their benefit, but for the benefit of members who may wish to use their services. Active Members may designate an Associate Member to attend occasional meetings on their behalf. The Associate Member should hold a senior position within the member’s company, as other members expect to deal with executives. Unofficial alternates may represent a member only on rare occasions. During their first six months, new members are expected to maintain 80% attendance. After that, members are expected to attend at least 6 out of 12 meetings per quarter (50% attendance). Members who do not meet these standards risk their company’s participation, and censorship by the Board.

Monthly Dues
The monthly dues are reasonable and cover all luncheons and visitation meals. Additional charges for guest lunches, raffle tickets and special events are billed to the member’s monthly statement.

We Invite You to Join Us
If you think you may qualify for membership, contact our office and expand your business opportunities today. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about joining EASF. And if you and your company qualify, you will be invited to attend one of our luncheon meetings as our guest.

Request an Invitation to our next meeting!

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