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EASF Luncheon MMC

THE PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVE of the Executives Association of San Francisco is the maintenance of an organization of leading San Francisco businesses, each represented by one of its executives, for the mutual benefit of all. The Association is dedicated to assisting its members with direct business leads and opportunities. Membership is by invitation to owners and CEOs of business firms and professional organizations doing business in San Francisco.

EACH MEMBER COMPANY HOLDS EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS to its own business category or specialty. No other company is invited to join if its business is in direct competition with an existing member. This is how we ensure its members’ success. The business does not have to be located in San Francisco, but a significant portion of the business activities should take place here.

PEOPLE DO BUSINESS WITH PEOPLE THEY KNOW. The Association meets every Thursday for a luncheon to exchange leads and learn about one another’s business. Throughout the year, there are also social outings and visits to member businesses to view their operations first-hand. Members receive a weekly bulletin, and are listed in our membership directory and our web site.

OUR CREED: REMEMBER A MEMBER FIRST. Members are expected to request bids from member firms and to pass along business information and leads. Nevertheless, there is no requirement that purchases be made from member firms nor that special pricing be afforded to member firms, though the latter is very often the case. Our emphasis is on helping one another find successful leads and the contacts for business opportunities.

MEMBERSHIP ADVANTAGES are the noncompetitive, comfortable atmosphere and spirit of camaraderie; the direct access to those who may purchase your product or service; and a frequency of meetings that serves to reinforce your profile and participation.

MEMBERS PROFIT FROM THE INVESTMENT. Many companies are second- and third-generation members. The success of our membership concept is evidenced by more than 90 other executive associations in 5 countries who maintain close contact with one another through the International Executives Association (IEA). Almost anywhere you travel, you may take advantage of your kinship with members like yourself.

How we provides value to our members:
Trusted Relationships • Qualified Referrals • Shared Knowledge • Public Speaking • Social Events

Luncheon Reservations

Online Application for Membership

Non-Partisan Policy


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